Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Part 3
Packing materials: Styrofoam peanuts cannot be recycled in most areas, but many packaging stores (like UPS and Mail Boxes Etc.) accept them. To find a peanut reuser near you, go to loosefillpackaging.com. Some towns recycle Styrofoam packing blocks; if yours doesn’t, visit epspackaging.org to find a drop-off location, or mail them in according to the instructions on the site. Packing pillows marked “Fill-Air” can be deflated (poke a hole in them), then mailed to Ameri-Pak, Sealed Air Recycle Center, 477 South Woods Drive, Fountain Inn SC 29644. They will be recycled into things like trash bags and automotive parts.
Paint: Some cities have paint-recycling programs, in which your old paint is taken to a company that turns it into new paint. Go to earth911.org to see if a program exists in your area.
Pendaflex folders: Place these filing-cabinet workhorses in the paper bin. But first cut off the metal rods and recycle them as scrap metal.
Phone books: Many cities offer collection services. Also check yellowpages.com/recycle, or call AT&T’s phone book–recycling line at 800-953-4400.
Pizza boxes: If cheese and grease are stuck to the box, rip out the affected areas and recycle the rest as corrugated cardboard. Food residue can ruin a whole batch of paper if it is left to sit in the recycling facility and begins to decompose.
Plastic bottle caps: Toss them. “They’re made from a plastic that melts at a different rate than the bottles, and they degrade the quality of the plastic if they get mixed in,” says Kite.
Plastic wrap (used): Most communities don’t accept this for recycling because the cost of decontaminating it isn’t worth the effort.
Post-its: The sticky stuff gets filtered out, so these office standbys can usually be recycled with paper.
Prescription drugs: The Starfish Project (thestarfish-project.org) collects some unused medications (TB medicines, antifungals, antivirals) and gives them to clinics in Nigeria. The organization will send you a prepaid FedEx label, too.
Printer-ink cartridges: Seventy percent are thrown into landfills, where it will take 450 years for them to decompose. “Cartridges are like gas tanks,” says Jim Cannan, cartridge-collection manager at Recycleplace.com. “They don’t break. They just run out of ink. Making new ones is like changing motors every time you run out of gas.” Take them to Staples and get $3 off your next cartridge purchase, or mail HP-brand cartridges back to HP.
Quiche pans and other cookware: These can be put with scrap metal, and “a plastic handle isn’t a problem,” says Tom Outerbridge, manager of municipal recycling at Sims Metal Management, in New York City.
Recreational equipment: Don’t send tennis rackets to your local recycling center. “People may think we’re going to give them to Goodwill,” says Sadonna Cody, director of government affairs for the Northbay Corporation and Redwood Empire Disposal, in Santa Rosa, California, “but they’ll just be trashed.” Trade sports gear in at Play It Again Sports (playitagainsports.com), or donate it to sportsgift.org, which gives gently used equipment to needy kids around the world. Mail to Sports Gift, 32545 B Golden Lantern #478, Dana Point CA 92629. As for skis, send them to skichair.com, 4 Abbott Place, Millbury MA 01527; they’ll be turned into Adirondack-style beach chairs.
Rugs (cotton or wool): If your town’s recycling center accepts rugs, great. If not, you’re out of luck, because you can’t ship rugs directly to a fabric recycler; they need to be sent in bulk. Your best bet is to donate them to the thrift store of a charity, like the Salvation Army.
Shopping bags (paper): Even those with metal grommets and ribbon handles can usually be recycled with other paper.
Shopping bags (plastic): If your town doesn’t recycle plastic, you may be able to drop them off at your local grocery store. Safeway, for example, accepts grocery and dry-cleaning bags and turns them into plastic lumber. (To find other stores, go to plasticbagrecycling.org.) What’s more, a range of retailers, like City Hardware, have begun to use biodegradable bags made of corn. (BioBags break down in compost heaps in 10 to 45 days.)
Shower curtains and liners: Most facilities do not recycle these because they’re made of PVC. (If PVC gets in with other plastics, it can compromise the chemical makeup of the recycled material.)
Six-pack rings: See if your local school participates in the Ring Leader Recycling Program (ringleader.com); kids collect six-pack rings to be recycled into other plastic items, including plastic lumber and plastic shipping pallets.
Smoke detectors: Some towns accept those that have beeped their last beep. If yours doesn’t, try the manufacturer. First Alert takes back detectors (you pay for shipping); call 800-323-9005 for information.
Soap dispensers (pump): Most plastic ones are recyclable; toss them in with the other plastics.
Stereos and VCRs: Visit earth911.org for a list of recyclers, retail stores, and manufacturers near you that accept electronics. Small companies are popping up to handle electronic waste (or e-waste) as well: Greencitizen.com in San Francisco will pull apart your electronics and recycle them at a cost ranging from nothing to 50 cents a pound. And the 10 nationwide locations of freegeek.org offer a similar service.
Takeout-food containers: Most are not recyclable. Paper ones (like Chinese-food containers) aren’t accepted because remnants can contaminate the paper bale at the mill. Plastic versions (like those at the salad bar) are a no-go too.
Tinfoil: It’s aluminum, not tin. So rinse it off, wad it up, and toss it in with the beer and soda cans.
Tires: You can often leave old tires with the dealer when you buy new ones (just check that they’ll be recycled). Worn-out tires can be reused as highway paving, doormats, hoses, shoe soles, and more.
Tissue boxes with plastic dispensers: The plastic portion will be filtered out during the recycling process, so you can usually recycle tissue boxes with cardboard.
Toothbrushes: They’re not recyclable, but if you buy certain brands, you can save on waste. Eco-Dent’s Terradent models and Radius Source’s toothbrushes have replaceable heads; once the bristles have worn out, snap on a new one.
Toothpaste tubes: Even with all that sticky paste inside, you can recycle aluminum tubes (put them with the aluminum cans), but not plastic ones.
TVs: Best Buy will remove and recycle a set when it delivers a new one. Or bring old ones to Office Depot to be recycled. Got a Sony TV? Take it to a drop-off center listed at sony.com/recycle.
Umbrellas: If it’s a broken metal one, drop the metal skeleton in with scrap metal (remove the fabric and the handle first). Plastic ones aren’t accepted.
Used clothing: Some towns recycle clothing into seat stuffing, upholstery, or insulation. Also consider donating clothing to animal boarders and shelters, where it can be turned into pet bedding.
Utensils (plastic): “There is no program in the country recycling plastic flatware as far as I know,” says Matsch. “The package might even say ‘recyclable,’ but that doesn’t mean much.”
Videotapes, cassettes, and floppy disks: These aren’t accepted. “Videotapes are a nightmare,” says Outerbridge. “They get tangled and caught on everything.” Instead, send tapes to the ACT (actrecycling.org) facility in Columbia, Missouri, which employs disabled people to clean, erase, and resell videotapes. You can also send videotapes, cassettes, and floppy disks to greendisk.com; recycling 20 pounds or less costs $6.95, plus shipping.
Wheelchairs: Go to lifenets.org/wheelchair, which acts as a matchmaker, uniting wheelchairs with those who need them.
Wine corks: To turn them into flooring and wall tiles, send them to Wine Cork Recycling, Yemm & Hart Ltd., 610 South Chamber Drive, Fredericktown MO 63645. Or put them in a compost bin. “They’re natural,” says Matsch, “so they’re biodegradable.” Plastic corks can’t be composted or recycled.
Wipes and sponges: These can’t be recycled. But sea sponges and natural sponges made from vegetable cellulose are biodegradable and can be tossed into a compost heap.
Writing implements: You can’t recycle pens, pencils, and markers, but you can donate usable ones to schools that are short on these supplies. At iloveschools.com, teachers from around the United States specify their wish lists. And there’s always the option of buying refillable pencils and biodegradable pens made of corn (like those at grassrootsstore.com) so that less waste winds up in the landfill.
Xmas lights: Ship your old lights to holidayleds.com, Attention: Recycling Program, 120 W. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1403, Jackson MI 49201. The company will send you a coupon for 10 percent off its LED lights, which use 80 percent less energy and last 10 years or more. And they’re safer, too. LEDs don’t generate much heat, whereas incandescents give off heat, which can cause a dry Christmas tree to catch fire.
Yogurt cups: Many towns don’t recycle these because they’re made of a plastic that can’t be processed with other plastics. But Stonyfield Farm has launched a program that turns its cups into toothbrushes, razors, and other products. Mail to Stonyfield Farm, 10 Burton Drive, Londonderry NH 03053. Or you can join TerraCycle’s Yogurt Brigade (terracycle.net) to recycle Stonyfield containers and raise money for your favorite charity. For every cup collected, Stonyfield will donate 2 cents or 5 cents, depending on the cup size.
Zippered plastic bags: Venues that recycle plastic bags will also accept these items, as long as they are clean, dry, and the zip part has been snipped off (it’s a different type of plastic).
Monday, November 8, 2010
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Part 2
Here is some more on the 3 R's
Hangers (plastic): These are not widely accepted at recycling centers, because there aren’t enough of them coming through to make it worthwhile. However, some cities, such as Los Angeles, are equipped to recycle them. You might consider donating them to a thrift store.
Hangers (wire): Some dry cleaners and Laundromats will reuse them. Otherwise, they can be recycled with other household metals. But be sure to remove any attached paper or cardboard first.
Hearing aids: The Starkey Hearing Foundation (starkeyhearingfoundation.org) recycles used hearing aids, any make or model, no matter how old. Lions Clubs also accept hearing aids (as well as eyeglasses) for reuse; log on to donateglasses.org to find designated collection centers near you.
Holiday cards: After they’ve lined your mantel for two months, you could throw them into the recycling bin, or you could give them a whole new life. St. Jude’s Ranch for Children (stjudesranch.org), a nonprofit home for abused and neglected youths, runs a holiday-card reuse program in which the kids cut off the front covers, glue them onto new cards, and sell the result―earning them money and confidence.
iPods: Bring in an old iPod to an Apple store and get 10 percent off a new one. Your out-of-date iPod will be broken down and properly disposed of. The catch? The discount is valid only that day, so be prepared to buy your new iPod.
Jam jars: Wherever there is container-glass recycling (meaning glass jars and bottles), jam jars are eligible. It helps if you remove any remaining jam, but no need to get obsessive―they don’t have to be squeaky clean. Before putting them in the bin, remove their metal lids and recycle those with other metals.
Juice bags: Because most are a combination of a plastic polymer and aluminum, these are not recyclable. But TerraCycle will donate 2 cents for each Honest Kids, Capri Sun, and Kool-Aid Drink pouch and 1 cent for any other brand you collect and send in to the charity of your choice. The organization provides free shipping, too. What does TerraCycle do with all those pouches? Turns them into colorful purses, totes, and pencil cases that are sold at Target and Walgreens stores throughout the country. To get started, go to terracycle.net.
Keys and nail clippers: For many recycling centers, any metal that isn’t a can is considered scrap metal and can be recycled. “There’s not a whole lot of scrap metal we wouldn’t take,” says Kite. “It’s a huge market now.”
Leather accessories: If your leather goods are more than gently worn, take them to be fixed. If they’re beyond repair, they have to be thrown in the trash―there’s no recycling option. (A product labeled “recycled leather” is often made from scraps left over from the manufacturing process, which is technically considered recycling.) Donate shoes in decent condition to solesforsouls.org, a nonprofit that collects used footwear and distributes it to needy communities.
Makeup: Makeup can expire and is none too pretty for the earth when you throw it in the trash (chemicals abound in most makeup). Some manufacturers are making progress on this front. People who turn in six or more empty MAC containers, for example, will receive a free lipstick from the company in return; SpaRitual nail polishes come in reusable, recyclable glass; and Josie Maran Cosmetics sells biodegradable plastic compacts made with a corn-based resin―just remove the mirror and put the case in your compost heap.
Mattresses and box springs: Mattresses are made of recyclable materials, such as wire, paper, and cloth, but not all cities accept them for recycling. (Go to earth911.org to find out if yours does.)
Metal flatware: If it’s time to retire your old forks, knives, and spoons, you can usually recycle them with other scrap metal.
Milk cartons with plastic spouts and caps: Take off and throw away the cap (don’t worry about the spout―it will be filtered out during the recycling process). As for the carton, check your local recycling rules to see whether you should toss it with plastics and metals or with paper.
Mirrors: These aren’t recyclable through most municipal recyclers, because the chemicals on the glass can’t be mixed with glass bottles and jars. You can donate them to secondhand stores, of course. Or if the mirror is broken, put it in a paper bag for the safety of your trash collectors. To find out what your municipality recycles, call 800-CLEANUP or visit recyclingcenters.org.
Nikes and other sneakers: Nike’s Reuse-a-Shoe program (nikereuseashoe.com) accepts old sneakers (any brand) and recycles them into courts for various sports so kids around the world have a place to play. You can drop them off at a Nike store, other participating retailers, athletic clubs, and schools around the country (check the website for locations), or mail them to Nike Recycling Center, c/o Reuse-a-Shoe, 26755 SW 95th Avenue, Wilsonville OR 97070. If your sneakers are still in reasonable shape, donate them to needy athletes in the United States and around the world through oneworldrunning.com. Mail them to One World Running, P.O. Box 2223, Boulder CO 80306.
Notebooks (spiral): It may seem weird to toss a metal-bound notebook into the paper recycling, but worry not―the machinery will pull out smaller nonpaper items. One caveat: If the cover is plastic, rip that off, says Matsch. “It’s a larger contaminant.”
Office envelopes
Envelopes with plastic windows: Recycle them with regular office paper. The filters will sieve out the plastic, and they’ll even take out the glue strip on the envelope flaps.
FedEx: Paper FedEx envelopes can be recycled, and there’s no need to pull off the plastic sleeve. FedEx Paks made of Tyvek are also recyclable (see below).
Goldenrod: Those ubiquitous mustard-colored envelopes are not recyclable, because goldenrod paper (as well as dark or fluorescent paper) is saturated with hard-to-remove dyes. “It’s what we call ‘designing for the dump,’ not the environment,” says Matsch.
Jiffy Paks: Many Jiffy envelopes―even the paper-padded ones filled with that material resembling dryer lint―are recyclable with other mixed papers, like cereal boxes. The exception: Goldenrod-colored envelopes must be tossed.
Padded envelopes with Bubble Wrap: These can’t be recycled. The best thing you can do is reuse them.
Tyvek: DuPont, the maker of Tyvek, takes these envelopes back and recycles them into plastic lumber. Turn one envelope inside out and stuff others inside it. Mail them to Tyvek Recycle, Attention: Shirley B. Wright, 2400 Elliham Avenue #A, Richmond VA 23237. If you have large quantities (200 to 500), call 866-338-9835 to order a free pouch.
Recipe for the day:
1 - package chocolate cake mix(any)
1 - pint sour cream
1 - pkg. instant chocolate pudding(any size)
1 - 6oz. bag chocolate chips
3/4 c. oil
4 eggs
1 cup water
Spray crock pot with non-stick spray. Mix all ingredients. Cook on low for 6-
8 hours Try not to lift the lid.
Serve with ice cream.
Very rich and a little gos a long way. Keeps in fridge for about a week, just heat and serve
NOTE: you can use low fat cake mix, sour cream and fat free pudding if so desired
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
First few posts will be kinda like a guide about how one gos about Recycling anything - -
Aerosol cans: These can usually be recycled with other cans, as long as you pull off the plastic cap and empty the canister completely.
Antiperspirant and deodorant sticks: Many brands have a dial on the bottom that is made of a plastic polymer that’s different from the plastic used for the container, so your center might not be able to recycle the whole thing (look on the bottom to find out). Tom’s of Maine makes a deodorant stick composed solely of plastic No. 5.
Backpacks: The American Birding Association accepts donated backpacks, which its scientists use while tracking neotropical birds (americanbirding.org).
Batteries: Recycling batteries keeps hazardous metals out of landfills. Many stores, like RadioShack and Office Depot, accept reusable ones, as does the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (rbrc.org/call2recycle). Car batteries contain lead and can’t go in landfills, because toxic metals can leach into groundwater, but almost any retailer selling them will also collect and recycle them.
Beach balls: They may be made of plastic, but there aren’t enough beach balls being thrown away to make them a profitable item to recycle. If a beach ball is still usable, donate it to a thrift store or a children’s hospital.
Books: “Hard covers are too rigid to recycle, so we ask people to remove them and recycle just the pages,” says Sarah Kite, recycling manager of the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation, in Johnston. In many areas, paperbacks can be tossed in with other paper.
Carpeting (nylon fiber): Go to carpetrecovery.org and click on “What can I do with my old carpet?” to find a carpet-reclamation facility near you, or check with your carpet’s manufacturer. Some carpet makers, like Milliken (millikencarpet.com), Shaw (shawfloors.com), and Flor (flor.com), have recycling programs.
Cars, Jet Skis, boats, trailers, RVs, and motorcycles: Even if these are unusable―totaled, rusted―they still have metal and other components that can be recycled. Call junkyards in your area, or go to junkmycar.com, which will pick up and remove cars, trailers, motorcycles, and other heavy equipment for free.
Cell phones: According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, fewer than 20 percent of cell phones are recycled each year, and most people don’t know where to recycle them. The Wireless Foundation refurbishes old phones to give to domestic-violence survivor calltoprotect.org. For information on other cell-phone charities, log on to recyclewirelessphones.com. In some states, like California and New York, retailers must accept and recycle old cell phones at no charge. There are also companies out there that will buy cell phones from you, which is great if you want to raise a little extra money - PhoneIsCash
Compact fluorescent lightbulbs: CFLs contain mercury and shouldn’t be thrown in the trash. Ikea and the Home Depot operate CFL recycling programs; you can also check with your local hardware store or recycling center to see if it offers recycling services.
Computers: You can return used computers to their manufacturers for recycling (check mygreenelectronics.com for a list of vendors) or donate them to a charitable organization (log on to sharetechnology.org or cristina.org). Nextsteprecycling.org repairs your broken computers and gives them to underfunded schools, needy families, and nonprofits.
Crayons: Send them to the National Crayon Recycle Program (crazycrayons.com, which melts down crayons and reforms them into new ones. Leave the wrappers on: “When you have black, blue, and purple crayons together without wrappers, it’s hard to tell them apart,” says the program’s founder, LuAnn Foty, a.k.a. the Crazy Crayon Lady.
Crocs: The manufacturer recycles used Crocs into new shoes and donates them to underprivileged families. Mail them to: Crocs Recycling West, 3375 Enterprise Avenue, Bloomington CA 92316.
DVDs, CDs, and jewel cases: If you want to get rid of that Lionel Richie CD because “Dancing on the Ceiling” doesn’t do it for you anymore, you can swap it for a disc from another music lover at zunafish.com. But if you just want to let it go and not worry about it ending up in a landfill, send it (along with DVDs and jewel cases) to greendisk.com for recycling.
Empty metal cans (cleaning products): Cut off the metal ends of cans containing powdered cleansers, such as Ajax and Bon Ami, and put them in with other household metals. (Use care when cutting them.) Recycle the tubes as you would any other cardboard.
Empty metal cans (food products): Many towns recycle food cans. If yours doesn’t, you can find the nearest steel-can recycling spot at recycle-steel.org. Rinse out cans, but don’t worry about removing the labels. “Leaving them on doesn’t do any harm,” says Marti Matsch, the communications director of Eco-Cycle, one of the nation’s oldest and largest recyclers, in Boulder, Colorado. “When the metal is melted,” she says, “the paper burns up. If you want to recycle the label with other paper, that’s great, but it’s not necessary.”
Eyeglasses: Plastic frames can’t be recycled, but metal ones can. Just drop them into the scrap-metal bin. However, given the millions of people who need glasses but can’t afford them, your frames, broken or not, will go to better use if you donate them to neweyesfortheneedy.com (sunglasses and plastic frames in good condition can also be donated). Or drop off old pairs of glasses at LensCrafters, Target Optical, or other participating stores and doctors’ offices, which will send them to onesight.org.
Fake plastic credit cards: They’re not recyclable, so you can’t just toss them along with their paper junk-mail solicitations. Remove them first and throw them in the trash.
Film canisters: Check with your local recycling center to find out if it takes gray film-container lids (No. 4) and black bases (No. 2). If not, many photo labs will accept them.
Fire extinguishers: There are two types of extinguishers. For a dry-chemical extinguisher, safely relieve the remaining pressure, remove the head from the container, and place it with your bulk-metal items (check with your local recycler first). Alternatively, call fire-equipment companies and request that they dispose of your extinguisher. Carbon dioxide extinguishers are refillable after each use.
Food processors. Some communities accept small household appliances for recycling―if not in curbside collection, then in drop-off locations. (New York City will even pick up appliances left on the sidewalk.) “If an appliance is more than 50 percent metal, it is recyclable,” says Kathy Dawkins, director of public information for New York City’s Department of Sanitation. Most appliances are about 75 percent steel, according to the Steel Recycling Institute. So unless you know something is mostly plastic, it will probably qualify.
Formal wear: Finally, a use for that mauve prom or bridesmaid dress: Give it to a girl who can’t afford one (go to operationfairydust.org or catherinescloset.org).
Gadgets: There are many ways to recycle PDAs, MP3 players, and other devices so that any money earned from the parts goes to worthy causes―a win, win, win scenario (for you, the environment, and charity). Recycleforbreastcancer.org, for example, will send you prepaid shipping labels, recycle your gadgets, then donate the proceeds to breast cancer charities.
Glue: Many schools have recycling programs for empty containers of Elmer’s glue and glue sticks. Students and teachers rinse out the bottles, which are then sent to Wal-Mart for recycling. Find out more at elmersgluecrew.com.
Glue strips and inserts in magazines: Lotion samples and nonpaper promotional items affixed to glue strips in magazines should be removed because they can jam up recycling equipment (scented perfume strips, on the other hand, are fine). “One of the biggest challenges we get is pages of promotional stickers and stamps,” says Matsch, “which can adhere to the machinery and tear yards of new paper fiber.”
DINNER; while you're figuring out all your recycling stuff you can put these in the crock pot for dinner:
1 package (10 oz) frozen corn kernels
1 can (15 oz) red kidney beans drained and rinsed
1 can ( 14.5 oz) diced tomatoes
1/4 cup salsa
1/4 cup chopped onions
1 1/2 cups cooked rice
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 cups shredded reduced fat Cheddar cheese, divided
6 green peppers. tops removed & seeded
Combine all ingredients, except 1/4 cup cheese and green peppers.
Stuff peppers. Arrange peppers in Crock Pot. Cover, cook on low 6 - 8
hours (high 3 - 4 hours) Sprinkle with 1/4 cup cheese during the last
30 minutes. - - Makes 6 servings
NOTE: for you meat eaters, you can also add some ground beef to above ingredient mixture
Monday, October 18, 2010
Quick and Easy Week Cooking
Fruity Barbecued Chicken Casserole
1 can Pork and beans (16oz)
4 Chicken Breast pieces
1/4 c Catsup
2 tablespoons Peach preserves
2 teaspoons Onion,instant minced
1/4 teaspoon Soy sauce
1/4 cup Brown sugar
Place beans in a 2-quart casserole; top with chicken breasts. Mix together remaining ingredients; pour over chicken and beans.
Cover and bake in preheated 325 deg.F. oven for 1 and 3/4 hours.
Knobby's Acres Chicken Rolls
1 container of Crescent Rolls (8 rolls)
2 chicken breasts
1/2 cup Pizza Quick Sauce
8 slices of cheese of your flavor
Boil the chicken breasts for 20 minutes, let cool a little and than cut up in small pieces. Separate the 8 crescent roll triangles. Mix the sauce and the chicken, and divide the mixture equally among the triangles. Pinch closed the triangles so that chicken filling is completely surrounded. Bake for 20 minutes at 375. Top with cheese slices during the last few minutes of baking.
Easy Make Chili
1 can Kidney beans
1/2 lb Hamburger
1 can Tomato soup
1 tablespoon Chili powder
1 sm Onion, chopped
Dump all into a pot. Bring to a boil. Turn down and simmer about 30 minutes.
Easy Knobby's Acres Soup
1 lb Hamburger (this is optional)
1 Chopped onion
Salt and pepper
1 can (10.75-oz) tomato soup
1 can (16-oz) mixed vegetables (drained) or use 1 pkg of frozen variety
1 can (16-oz) kidney beans
1 Box (14.75-oz) spaghetti (Three quarters of the way cooked)
Brown hamburger and onions, drain excess grease and transfer mixture into large saucepan. Add tomato soup and half a can of water. Stir in vegetables. Chop spaghetti up into like 3 or 4 inch pieces and add to soup mixture. Bring to boil, then simmer uncovered 15 minutes. Add water as needed to make more liquid
Quick Chocolate/Peanut Butter Fudge
1 Bag semi-sweet chocolate chips (12 oz)
1 Jar smooth or crunchy peanut butter (12 oz)
1 can Sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
In a 1-1/2 quart microwave-proof bowl, melt chocolate and peanut butter on HIGH (1000 watt units) for about 3 minutes. Remove from microwave; stir will. Add condensed milk, stirring until well blended. Pour mixture into 8 x 8 inch cake pan, lined with waxed paper. Refrigerate to chill
You all have fun now!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday Tid-bits from the ol' farmstead
Came across a few things on the ol' web that I thought I would throw out at ya all...
#1 - Canada Becomes First Nation to Officially List BPA as Toxic - Poisoning ourselves left and right or letting others do it to us...
#2 - Is Urban Gardening Getting More Creative? From Vertical Spirals to Lampposts, to Facebook - Gardeners everywhere, will we even need big mega farms 20 years from now?
#3 - Seed Sprouters: Easy to Use & Simple Designs - Cute!
And as usual one of Knobby's Acres recipes -
Knobby's Acres Breakfast Stir-All
Makes enough for 7 to 9 people
Main Ingredients:
8-10 eggs
2-3 cups grated cheddar cheese (your choice of whether you use Sharp, Mild or Medium)
6 slices white bread, cubed into like 1 or 2 inch pieces
2 cups milk
Optional Additions: add what you like
1 cup corn (fresh, cooked or frozen)
1/2 cup chopped broccoli (cooked or raw )
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup sliced green onions
1 cup cubed ham and/or cooked/browned Polish/Smoked sausage
A few slices cooked bacon, chopped
1 TBSP of chopped chives
1 - Preheat the oven to 350°F.
2 - Beat eggs in large bowl and then mix in milk and cheese.
3 - Add any additions you want.
4 - Carefully stir in the bread cubes until just moistened (don't over stir)
5 - Oil (preferably some good olive oil) a 13 x 9 inch glass casserole dish and pour your mixture in.
6 - Bake in oven for 50 minutes to an hour, until the top is browned and the center springs back when touched.
7 - Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes before serving.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The World is rushing by
The ones that get me laughing the most are the ones that speed around me driving and then at the stop light I end up right behind them, but I guess in their thinking they won something, HaHaHaHa...what a wacky society we have become
Time to kick back, do a little laundry, read a book and let some modern conveniences do the cooking...
Creamy Broccoli and Cauliflower Casserole
1 head cauliflower, cut into florets
1 bunch broccoli, cut into florets
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 can cream of celery soup
1. Steam broccoli and cauliflower over boiling water for ten minutes, or
until just tender. Drain thoroughly, if required, and place in a baking
2. Combine mayonnaise, cheese and soup and spoon over vegetables.
3. Bake uncovered at 350 F for 45 minutes or until nicely browned on
Serves 6
* 1-1/2 to 2 pounds boneless chicken tenders
* 1 to 1 1/2 cup matchstick-cut carrots
* 1 bunch green onions (scallions) sliced in 1/2-inch pieces
* 1 jar Kraft pimiento or pimiento & olive process cheese spread (5oz) (optional)
* 1 can 98% fat-free cream of chicken soup
* salt and pepper to taste
Put all ingredients in the slow cooker/Crock Pot (3 1/2-quart or larger)and stir to combine. Cover and cook on low for 7 to 9 hours. Serve over rice, toast, or biscuits.
Serves 6 to 8.
Have a great day and remember, keep your planter lubed...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Slow, dumpy week recipe
but I did find this amonst my some 4 million recipes i have -----
PUMPKIN BREAD in a Crock Pot
* 1 cup all-purpose flour
* 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
* 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
* 1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
* 2 Tb vegetable oil
* 2 eggs
* 1/2 cup pumpkin (canned)
* 4 Tb raisins or dried currants, finely chopped
In small bowl combine flour, baking powder and pumpkin pie spice;
set aside.
In med. mixing bowl combine brown sugar and oil; beat till well
Beat in eggs. Add pumpkin; mix well. Add flour mixture.
Beat just until combined. Stir in raisins.
Pour pumpkin mixture into 2
well-greased and floured 1/2-pint straight-sided canning jars. Cover
jars tightly with greased foil.
Place a piece of crumpled foil in 3-1/2 or
4 qt. crockery cooker with liner in place. Place jars atop crumpled foil.
Cover; cook on high setting for 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 hours or until a wooden
toothpick inserted near centers comes out clean.
Remove jars from
cooker; cool 10 minutes in jars. Remove bread from jars. Cool
thoroughly on wire rack. Makes 2 loaves.
Anyone who tries this let us know how it turns out, thanks...
Have a good one my friends...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday Head Cold Recipes
Here's something all of you might try;
Crock-Pot Baked Caramel Apples -
using a 6 qt oval crock pot/slow cooker you should be able to fit in 4/5/6 medium sized apples, Granny Smiths work real good.
2 t vanilla
1/2 cup water
Stuffing items -
Caramel cubes
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup dried cranberries or chopped up dates
1/2 cup walnut/pecan halves or pieces
Brown sugar
Pour the water into the bottom of your crock pot & stir in the vanilla.
Wash and core your apples and maybe using a knife make the core a little larger
Put the apples into the vanilla water.
Stuff the apples with 1 cube of caramel and some of the stuffing items and shove a bit of brown sugar into each core also.
any extra stuffing items and sugar can be used to top off the apples.
Cover and cook on high for 4 hours or on low for 6-7, just make sure the apples don't get to soggy to handle.
And while all that is cooking you can put together this main dish -
Cottage Cheese Manicotti
"Simple to fix - the manicotti shells do not need to be precooked!"
Tomato Sauce:
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
2 (8 oz) cans unsalted tomato sauce
2 (16 oz) cans unsalted tomatoes
1-1/2 teaspoons oregano leaves
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 cups non-fat cottage cheese OR
1 cup non-fat cottage cheese and 1 can drained cooked spinach
3 tablespoons freshly grated non-fat cheese
2 egg whites
1/4 cup chopped parsley
Dash pepper
8 oz uncooked manicotti shells (15 pieces)
1 cup water
Preheat oven to 375° F.
Sauté garlic in olive oil. Add tomato sauce and tomatoes; stir in oregano and parsley.
Bring to a boil and simmer covered for a minimum of 20 minutes, up to 2 hours, stirring
occasionally. Makes 5 cups of sauce.
Combine filling ingredients and stuff uncooked manicotti shells using a small butter
knife or a spoon.
Fill bottom of a 9"x13" casserole dish with 2 cups of tomato sauce.
Arrange stuffed manicotti shells in a single layer over sauce, side by side.
Cover shells with remaining 3 cups of sauce and pour 1 cup of water over all.
Tightly cover dish with foil and bake for 50 minutes.
Remove foil and bake an additional 10 minutes.
Makes 5-6 servings.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Dreams and Live - Simple -- Part 1
"People like to dream of escapes they won't ever live" - KK
We all have dreams and most of us have dreams of doing something spectacular with our lives away from the normal everyday existence.
Here's a tip --the whole purpose behind simplifying your life is so you can live your dream... you have to arrange your life and clear out its clutter, so that your dream can have room to live and grow.
Do you know what your dream is? What would you love to do with your life if you had the time and resources? Travel? Volunteer work? A craft or hobby? Become a Movie star? Play Professional sports? Be a Musician? Do you secretly want to be with someone? etc.etc...
Problem is most people do not know what their dream is and when I say dream what I am referring to, is your heart's desire--what you truly want to do in the short time frame we are allowed here on Earth. So, first step is to discover and find your TRUE dream/heart's desire.
One way is to asked yourself what you would honestly and truly do in the case of certain supposed happenings;
Like what would you truthfully do with your life if by chance, you won $3 million dollars? or $500 a week for the rest of your life? How about if you woke one morning and had a disability that prevented you from walking? What if you actually only had ten months to live? Or if you had a the chance to get a masters degree, would you do it? and what would you get it in? etc.etc...
By answering these questions you should see a pattern/ outline of what your true hidden motivation in life is. You have to dig deep though to do so and possibly end up asking yourself other deeper sub-questions.
Another way I have found is to take a long, hard look back in your life and remember all the things you have done (work, fun, friends, school,lifestyle,etc.) and see if you can spot a pattern in some area that you always seemed to return to again and again.
Another process is to look at your priorities; an example would you be like, are you willing to skimp, save and struggle with very little money or material things to pursue a dream? Or would you rather just work in a dead - end job that means nothing to you in order to have all kinds of material and pleasureful comforts? Do you let others influence your thoughts and actions everyday? Can you or are you willing to put partner and/or children aside for the moment in order to pursue your dream? Would you change your career/job if that new career/job had to with part of your hearts desire?
The answers to these questions should reveal more about what you want to do or are best suited for. Your answer also should tell you if you are willing to sacrifice? or how you are willing to live in order to follow your dream?
Part 2 coming Sunday
In the mean time enjoy this;
2 lb. pkg. frozen hash brown potatoes (partially thawed) or fresh
2 (10 oz.) cans cheddar cheese soup
1 (13 oz.) can evaporated milk
1 can French fried onion rings, divided
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine potatoes, soup, milk, and half the can of onion rings; pour
into greased slow cooker/Crock Pot and add salt and pepper.
Cover and cook on low for 8 to 9 hours or high for 4 hours. Sprinkle the rest
of the onion rings of top before serving.
Take care and Live - Simple!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Couple of Live - Simple recipes
Marinated Vegetables (Serves 4)
2/3 cup olive oil
1 lemon – juice only
2 tsp sea salt
5 cups coarsely chopped fresh veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, zucchini, carrots and/or green beans)
Blend olive oil, lemon juice, and salt to make a marinade. Toss with cut-up veggies. Marinate in refrigerator for 24 hours before eating. Cover real well and they will last about 3 days, good for them in between meal snacks.
Stewed Peaches (Serves 5)
4 pounds fresh peaches
Water to cover
2 tsp vanilla
Grated rind of 1 lemon
Wash peaches and halve them lengthwise, removing pits. Cut each half in three slices. Place peaches in saucepan, cover with water, and add vanilla and lemon rind. Bring to a boil, lower heat, and simmer covered for 5 minutes. Cool and refrigerate in well covered bowl. You're all set for a couple of days of healthy dessert snack.
Enjoy and Live - Simple my friends...
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Pinnebog General Store Community Board

So without further ado lets see what we all got pinned up on the board…
I see there is a recipe for quick dill pickles hanging:
Says to get:
8 Cucumbers fresh and crisp
1-1/3 cup white vinegar
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1-1/2 tablespoon sugar
1-1/2 tablespoons pickling spice
15 peppercorns
5 sprigs of dill
then you’re suppose to slice them babies up long ways into 4 sections and stuff them into a quart canning jar. Then in a pot put the vinegar, salt, sugar, pickling spice and peppercorns and bring to boil. Then pour that concoction over the pickles in the jar and stir in them dill sprigs. After that let the puppies cool to room temp., seal the jar and put in refrigerator overnight. Says they’ll last about 2/3 weeks in there…
Seems to be a paper pinned with a list on stuff to do in the garden now, like:
· Start moving houseplants indoors. Check for pests first
· Seed a fall spinach crop
· Seed cover crops on bare spots in the vegetable garden
· Plant new trees and shrubs, to give them at least 6 weeks before frost
· Plant spring flowering bulbs
· Begin “dark treatments” with your saved Poinsettia plant
· Dry and store gladioli corms before a frost
Then it says make sure to get your October chores done too:
· Plant garlic and shallots
· Have your soil tested and amend as needed
· Harvest Brussel sprouts after a hard frost
· Clean up garden debris. Remove all vegetable plants and fallen fruit.
· Remove dead annuals from the garden, after a frost.
· Cut back perennial foliage to discourage over wintering pests. Leave flowers with seeds for the birds.
· Start raking and composting leaves
WoW! Lots of work outdoors before that cold winter gets here…
Remember though while you’re out there to take time and “smell the roses”
Looks like we have a different type of pumpkin bread recipe also hanging in the corner;
2 cups of fresh cooked pumpkin OR one 16 ounce can of canned pumpkin
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (not self-rising flour)
2 tsp. baking soda
3 cups sugar
4 eggs, beaten (Note for vegans: each egg can be replaced 1 tablespoon of flax meal mixed with 3 Tbs. water (mixed until it develops uniformly sticky consistency). That's 4 tablespoons of flax meal in total. The bread takes about 15 minutes longer to bake and is a little more dense but very good after a day of refrigeration.)
1 cup vegetable oil
1 and 1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon allspice
Water: 1/2 cup water if you are using fresh cooked pumpkin OR 2/3 cup water if you are using commercial canned pumpkin
Preheat oven to 350 F.
In a large mixing bowl, stir together the flour, soda, salt, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg and sugar
Add the eggs, water, oil and pumpkin.
Stir until blended. Pour into two lightly greased and floured 9x5" loaf pans.
Bake approximately 1 hour at 350 F (175 C) Remove from the oven and cool slightly (10 minutes)
Well I think that ought to keep everyone busy this coming week and if not remember you can always;
Build a tent with blankets and sheets, chairs and chip clips with your kids, go pick apples, make that Halloween costume, decorate your house for fall, plants mums, go for a hayride, invite friends and neighbors over for chili and watching football on TV or build a fire and snuggle with someone or read a book
Have fun all, enjoy yourselves and Live - Simple!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Vegan Crock-Pot Apple Butter
5.5 quart crock-pot
8-9 lbs of apples
2 c of unrefined dark brown sugar or dark brown beet sugar*
1 T fresh ginger (or 1 t ground powdered ginger, but I highly recommend fresh)
1 t ground cloves
1 t ground nutmeg
3 T fresh ground cinnamon
½ t salt
½ c apple cider vinegar
You can use any variety of apples that you wish.
Apple butter takes a long time to make, but it’s nice to make it in the crock-pot because you can leave the house with it cooking and not worry about it. Making it on the stove requires a lot more time and attention then the crock-pot method.
*normal refined cane sugar is not vegan as animal bone char is used in the refinement process
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Clutter and De-cluttering – Part 4
OK, you have started, you have de-cluttered, you have cleaned/painted, you have donated/garage sale/etc. what you wanted. Your house should now be in decent livable condition, now what?
Now comes the hard part, keeping it un-cluttered. A lot of times people who de-clutter have moments of panic, because they have had all this stuff around them and now they wake up and ‘their stuff is gone’ that is when lots of people start the Re-cluttering stage.
You have to get past that, you have to constantly keep thinking to yourself, “this is a new beginning” for yourself and family. Move past the past and move on with the new, don’t re-fill…
One method is trying the “new in – old out” approach, whenever you acquire a new item, an old one has to go. This allows you to focus on quality upgrading rather than accumulating tons of mediocre dollar stuff.
Also don’t expect things to go smoothly, I have de-cluttered dozens of times, only for the fact that as mine and the family interests, needs and lifes have changed, so has what items are clutter. It happens - families grow, lose, changed, move, etc.,etc… and that’s alright.
Eventually you will begin to see how wonderful things are after de-cluttering and to appreciate how much easier life is when you have less stuff.
You spend less time and effort on maintenance. You spend less time and effort moving, trying to find bills, or the chess set, etc.
You spend less time and effort organizing your stuff and cleaning.
What you’re left with is more time and energy and financial resources to actually enjoy life. It’s much easier now to find an hour to practice that hobby skill, or other more enjoyable activities if you’re not spending all your time cleaning and putting things away and finding room for just one more thing in that closet.
It’s much easier to save for the future if you're not in a non-stop race to see who has the most stuff. Live –Simple and life will be simple…
Now that you have time on your hands, you might want to try this great dish:
Baked Spinach -
1/2 cup butter
8 oz cream cheese
2 pkg frozen spinach or the equivalent of that with fresh
1 pkg Lipton onion soup mix
Melt butter in a large frying pan. Add the spinach. Break up
and stir. Add cream cheese and onion soup mix. Stir well. Place in
casserole dish and bake at 300°F for 45 minutes.
Be seeing you, Knobby...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Clutter & De-cluttering - Part 3
Diving in..............
Now that you are stepping into the Twilight Zone of Clutter - what is the best way to decide what to get rid of and what to keep??????? What do you do with the stuff that you no longer want or need???
Lets start with the clothing rule - If it hasn't been out of the drawer or closet in the past 6 months, get rid of it. There are certain exception to this though, especially for a man. Some men today do not wear suits a lot except to funerals or weddings, so if you haven't taken one of your suits out of the closet in past 6 months then consider yourself lucky to still have your family and friends around... Although if you have 12 suits hanging in the back of the closet, then that might be another story...
As for other items - Ask yourself this -
- Do I really love this item or just pretend to because it came from Shirley and Stan?
- Does it have sentimental value that causes me to love it? This one is the most dangerous! One way to to work around this is to have someone else (whom you trust!) help you go through things. They don’t have the (sometime’s irrational) emotional attachment that you might have, but can still recognize if something should be kept.
Have I used it in the past year? or even the past 6 months?
Is it really garbage? Does it need fixing? Do I actually have time or the money to repair it?
Do I have another one that is better?
Should I really keep two?
You also can have the 6-month box; Take all your items that you unsure about getting rid of (e.g. “I might need this someday…”), put them in a box, seal it and date it. When you come across it 6 months from now and you still haven't opened it to get anything, donate the box WITHOUT OPENING IT. You probably won’t even remember what there was in the box.
One of the key things though is to take the pile of stuff you are not keeping out of the house as soon as possible, take it to a staging area in the garage or shed if you're going to sell it or the back seat/trunk of you vehicle if you're going to donate it...
Now that you are all done sorting, the stuff you're not keeping can be:
- Donated to charities
- List your clutter on craigslist
- Sell it on Ebay
- Have a garage sale and then anything that didn't sell donate it...
- or even as I have done with many things - put at the side of the road in front of your house with a free sign on it...
- OR Gift Everything to all your family & friends, LOL
Now I'll end part 3 with this caution - You really should stop for the day even if you are not done:
# 1 - If you find yourself hitting a “brain fog” where nothing makes sense or you find yourself holding on to everything you are reviewing - and/or #2 - If you hit a hysterical state of mind and start tossing everything without looking at it.
Of course before starting on your De-cluttering for the day make sure you put a nice crock-pot of this dessert on for your reward later, for a job well done;
- Apple Sauce -
--4 large apples, skinned ,cored, and cut in quarters
--juice from 1 lemon
--1/4 cup water
--1 teaspoon vanilla
--1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
--1 Tablespoon brown sugar
makes enough for about 4/5 people
Skin, core, and cut your apples into quarters. Plop the pieces into your crock pot. Add the juice from the lemon, and the water. Pour in the vanilla ( imitation or real), add the cinnamon and brown sugar.
Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours. When the apples are super tender, mash with a potato masher or large fork. Serve up in bowls with some whip cream on top and maybe some warm cinnamon sugar donuts on the side...
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday from the Ol' Pinnebog General Store

The big news of the week around town was that the actor Sean Penn was up in the Bad Axe area filming a movie 'This Must Be the Place.' Now I have to admit I don't know much about his movies, but from all the chatter about, it seems like he has played in some good roles... See picture gallery here: MOVIE
If that wasn't enough, after they all get done, another movie crew will be coming to town to film 'Real Steel' that supposedly will be Starring Hugh Jackman and Evangeline Lilly and the Executive producer is Steven Spielberg.
Well anytime they need a break, they are always welcomed to the Ol' general store here for a glazed donut & an Orange Crush...
Of course all that excitement can't top the balloons and party favors that flowed around town here 'bout 2 weeks ago when ol' Lydia celebrated her 99th birthday. Here tell that there was over 60 friends, family attending and the birthday cake was as big as Paul Bunyan's blue ox, Babe...
Then again even that might have been topped by all the police and fire squads rushing to the local senior center where it was reported a HOT,HOT bridge game was taking place and apparently was so hot that the sprinkler system went off. Never knew that the kindly ladies down at the senior center still had a bit of rowdiness in their bonnets after all these years, lol
Noticed this piece of notepaper with 2 recipes on it tacked to the community board here from that wonderful Amish lady Mrs. Byler down the way, always thinking of others, she is;
combine dry ingredients; cut in shortening until mixture resembles cornmeal. Store in airtight container in a cool, dry place.
Toss apple with sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix cake mix, egg and milk. Put into 8 inch pan. Press apple slices into batter. Drizzle any remaining sugar mixture over apples. Bake at 350º till done. MY NOTE: (by done I am thinking she means about 30 minutes)
Well, got to run, but here's a poem to remind all of the main pursuit of Live - Simple -
Lord, Let me take time to see the flowers, that grow beside the dusty road.
Let me take time to lend a helping hand, to lighten someone's weary load.
Let me take time to hear the sounds, of happy children at their play.
Let me take time to visit friends, family who might be lonely today but most of all, let me take time for quiet hours, alone with Thee...
You all take care and I'll be seeing you, Knobby
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Clutter & De-cluttering - Part Two
Part Two of the De-cluttering process:
First off you can't go into de-cluttering willy - nilly and start throwing things away here and there. I've learned from experience that that doesn't work; 9 out of 10 times you end up with a bigger mess than when you started and you get frustrated and quit the whole process... De-cluttering is like the old joke question 'how do you eat an elephant?' answer: 'one bite at a time' and for some it takes awhile... My one big tip though is not to wait until you think it's a perfect time to do it, I have done that countless times myself and guess what, I never got started. The best time is just like the commercial says - "Just Do It"
OK, so you have decided to de-clutter an area, first thing to do is to get together boxes, garbage bags, cleaning supplies (yes, you will be cleaning also) and if your going to paint get them supplies too.
Second thing is to look at that room or area and image to yourself how you would want the room to look if you were trying to sell it. That includes each piece of furniture in it. You would not try and sell a room with stains on the carpet and boogers on the walls. You also would not try to sell a nightstand that was stuffed with papers, magazines, used Kleenex, chocolate wrappers and Pepsi spills on it. Hold on to that selling image during the de-cluttering process, it’s very important to do so… if you can’t hold an image then look at some magazines like Good Housekeeping or Better Homes and Gardens, etc. and cut a living room, bedroom, bathroom picture out that closely resembles what you image and look at that
Third thing is to make a promise to your self that 1/3 or ¼ or even ½ of the room or area you picked will be done by such and such time. Like “I want to clean up the desk and its drawers and the book shelves by the time the kids come home from school”
Fourth thing is MUSIC! Everyone works better with music, it brightens the soul, gets your feet moving and keeps you company. Get some favorite cds together or favorite radio station or your ipod and listen and work. For me the best music was pumped up songs from oldies, like Beatles, Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, Bob Seger, etc.
Fifth thing is to take action – I have found that if I start on one side of room, near the entrance and work my way around back to the beginning I can accomplished more in a more organized path. I’m not bouncing back and forth between what ever item catches my eye at any given moment. I do what ever comes next down that path I started.
In part 3 we’ll talked about how to sort and how to part away with things during the action stage…
Of course you're going to have to eat too, so here's something for all to enjoy;
Broccoli & Cheese Soup
2 c. cooked noodles of any kind
1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped broccoli,thawed or as usual use fresh
3 tbsp. chopped onions
2 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. flour
2 cups shredded American cheese
Salt to taste
5 1/2 c. milk
Combine all ingredients in slow cooker. Stir well. Cook on low for 4
8 servings.
Live - Simple my friends, Live - Simple...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Clutter & De-cluttering - Part One
Most everyone knows about or has watched the TV show 'Hoarders' where it shows people living in EXTREME gross clutter. IMO some of it I think is made up for TV purposes only but, that's just my opinion.
From what I have seen the majority of people do not live like that, majority of clutterers live with what I call 'Livable Clutter' which means, in your mind it can be lived with or another word would be it's bearable, after all you still can walk from kitchen to living rm without stepping over too many things and you can still shut the bedroom door when company comes over, LOL.
Well as one can guess clutter and the Live - Simple lifestyle do not go together, clutter gets in the way of a natural, free flowing household, workplace, play area...
Clutter uses up space - Space that for the most part as years go by seems to just keep getting bigger and bigger. A multi-billion dollar industry (rental storage units) has grown up just because of people needing more space for their (STUFF) clutter. Another multi - million dollar industry ( 1-800-GOT-JUNK) has blossomed just to get rid of peoples left-over (STUFF) clutter.
Clutter uses up money - How? because for each piece you have that has been laying in the bottom of a closet or 'stored' out in the garage that you haven't seen or touched in 2 years has for the most part cost you hard-earned money. Even worse how about doubling the cost, because you have no room in your house so you rent out a storage unit for it... Oh and if you're storing things that might be "Useful Someday", realise that while you are storing them and hoarding them, THEY AREN'T BEING USEFUL
Clutter uses up the environment - The more bric brac, nick knacks, flower vases, un-used exercise equipment, talking fish plaques, sweaters, shoes, etc., the bigger the houses, the garages, the trucks, etc. The bigger and more of all that, the more resources are used up.
Worse of all clutter uses up time - Time that could be used for yourself and maybe more profitable endeavors or with family, friends and more recreational activities, etc.
Now I know that some people become attached to 'Their Stuff', it makes them feel comfortable having all that stuff around them and some people actually have a physical, mental and emotional hard time parting with things. So I'm not trying to talk anyone out of getting rid of Grandmas wooden Dutch shoes or Aunt Mable's antique diamond ring which is actually cubic zirconium but no one wanted to tell her... lol, but there is a difference between nostalgia and misaligned intentions...
What I am going to try and do in this 4 part series of posts is explain what clutter is and then try and show you how to de-clutter if you so desire to.
What I think clutter is:
When your miscellaneous kitchen junk drawer, desk drawer, laundry room cupboard, bedroom night stand are all jammed with your papers, appliance manuals, recipes, pizza coupons from 2003, menus from the Chinese restaurant that closed in 2006, broken lighters, stub pencils, harden bottles of Elmer's glue, sunglasses without lenses, marbles, a baggie of broken birthday candles, a head from a barbie doll, etc. - YOU HAVE CLUTTER!
When you’re embarrassed to let someone see some part of your home because of the piles of stuff you have stockpiled and you hide it all behind curtains, or dividers or the closet doors won't shut or all of it is seeping out from underneath your bed so you just shut the bedroom door. - YOU HAVE CLUTTER.
When you take 30 minutes digging through junk drawers or looking through piles of magazines, or moving about all the stored "Useful One day" stuff in the garage looking for the one thing in there you actually have any need for, or thought you did. - YOU HAVE CLUTTER.
Or how about all them shelves that are jammed full of videos or DVDs or CDs or books or video games even after you emptied them same shelves 6 months ago and put all of the old ones into a box out in the garage. - YOU HAVE CLUTTER.
In part 2 we'll see how to get started on the de-cluttering process, in mean time put a crock-pot of the following recipe on and go Live - Simple....
1 pound ground chuck or stew meat
1 cup chopped onion
1 large (28 oz.) can whole tomatoes (chopped) or the same amount using fresh tomatoes
3 cup diced potatoes
1 (16 oz.) can cut green beans or same amount using fresh green beans
2 teaspoon chili powder
2-3 dashes cayenne pepper sauce
2 (10 1/2 oz.) cans condensed beef bouillon or whatever is equivalent in using the bouillon cubes
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup sliced carrots
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Brown meat with onion and celery; drain off fat. Stir in remaining
ingredients and add 1 or 2 cups water. Cover and cook on low for 8-10
For you vegetarians you can just leave out the beef
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday from the Ol' Pinnebog General Store

Well it has been a while since I have put anything up on the Ol' Knobby Acres blog so I figure well shoot lets give it another go round and see what type of beans grow...
Been a very busy, busy week around the ol' general store this week being that new stock came in and of course the usual friends & neighbors stopping by for this or that and telling a tip or two...
Like early in week when Miriam and Soloma were just a chit chatting about kitchen stuff and what not. Like Miriam was saying how she rinses out her empty mustard jar with water and adds a small amount of it to her chili soup. or when fixing up your own flower pot/hanging baskets put a disposable diaper in the bottom to hold moisture longer. Soloma was telling how she carrys her pies to the bake sale by putting them in a 5 gallon bucket stacked with flat plates in betwix them.
Delberts kids came in and was looking for model paint, seems they were making canisters out of gallon glass jars for their mom so she could store rice, popcorn and stuff and they wanted to paint the name of the ingredients on them jars. Smart kids!
Jeb came by not feeling to good and kinda hunched over. he was looking for some Ex-Lax. Course that got all the guys hooping and hollering about everything from WD-40 to big pots of beans to even a formula for cleaning toilets, using 1/4 part bleach and 3/4 parts water, mixed in a spray bottle and applied liberally..
Well got to keep it short this week, got stock to put away and get my football picks in, but before I go someone came in and posted this poem on the community board and I thought I would share it with you all:
I thank Thee, Lord that my feet are sore, and my knees and back hurt even more.
I thank Thee, Lord that my eyes are red and they throb in time with my aching head. That my muscles moan and protest in pain from the weary hours of toil and strain.
Beneath my nails there is garden soil and my hands bear the marks of a gardener's toil. For the fields are ripe and the harvest great and the gathering in of it just can't wait.
So I thank Thee, Lord for it means I'm strong and can work in the garden the whole day long.
* 2 cups sugar
* 1 cup vegetable oil
* 2 eggs
* 2 teaspoons vanilla
* 2 cups flour
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 1 teaspoon nutmeg
* 2 cups unpeeled apples, finely chopped
* 1 cup chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans)
Beat sugar, oil, eggs, and vanilla. Add apples with dry ingredients and
mix well. Spray a two pound coffee can with cooking spray or grease and
flour it well. Pour batter into can, filling no more than 2/3 full.
steam can escape. Cook on high 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
stand in can a few minutes before tipping pudding out on a plate.
Serve half-rounds plain, with whipped topping, or with ice cream & hot fudge sauce
Take care and I'll be seeing you, Knobby
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday Pot-Luck
I thought for this post i would post a few things having to do with camp - outs, camping, hiking, summer stuff since we are moving close to warmer weather here in Michigan, although right at the moment it is chilly, willy...
How about some Backpacking Simple Food Ideas
Here are some very simple ideas for dehydrated and light-weight
1) Any packaged dinner mix from the grocery and packed in ziploc
baggies, Macaroni & Cheese, Rice-a-Roni, Broccoli and Cheese, etc
There are tons of these things available today. If they call for milk,
then the boys can carry powdered milk in baggies. Margarine will
travel well, and since they will be working hard, the extra fat might be
2) Instant oatmeal and instant grits and bagels are great for breakfast.
Again, powdered milk can be used with these. Get some of the new
Fantastic Foods hot cereal mixes--they are warm and filling.
3) Dehydrated vegetables and full meals can be found in camping
stores. Add dried peas to a box of mac & cheese, for instance
4) Try Ramen noodle soups, or any of those "soup in a cup"s (that can
be packaged in baggies so they take up less room).
5) Dehydrated bean flakes that mix up almost instantly with water are
available in HFS. Mix these with some cooked minute rice and put in a
tortilla. Yum! Flavor them with onion, garlic, cumin powders.
6) Cheese backpacks well. Again, the fat may not be so bad if they are
hiking all day. And if it's cold, then the fat is almost necessary to
help them stay warm. (You need a lot more calories when it's cold.)
Add a hunk to any soup, pasta, rice, or dehydrated veggies you're
7) Pasta, pasta, pasta. Top it with sauces made from the dry package
mixes. A lot of these are tasty. High in sodium and preservatives
sometimes, but for a couple of meals they won't hurt you.
8) Instant mashed potatoes that can be mixed with the powdered milk
or water only. Make up an instant gravy to go top.
9) Dried fruit can be cooked in some water and put on top of a piece of
angel food cake for dessert. (Hey, the cake might get crushed a little,
but it is lightweight!) Add some cinnamon and Tang (in lieu of orange
juice)and you approximate a Cooking Light recipe.
10) The dry veggie burger mixes would make a great meal. Most of
them make up with water only and many are quite tasty.
Or how about something the Kids can make with a little parent supervision of course:
Box Oven
1 Brick (or flat rock)
1 pk Aluminum foil,heavy-duty
1 Corrugated cardboard box
1 Metal pie pan,old
3 Coat hangers
4 Charcoal briquet's,lit
1. Cover the inside and outside of the box completely with 3 or 4
layers of aluminum foil, including the flaps. Lay box on level ground so
that the opening opens oven-style (front-door style is OK, too).
2. Straighten the coat hangers, then run them through the sides of
the box about 2/3 of the way up from the bottom to form a rack.
3. Set brick in bottom. Place live coals into pie pan/pie plate. Put
pan on brick (don't forget, the PIE PAN IS HOT! Use an oven mitt or
hot pad).
4. Place food to be cooked onto coat-hanger rack and close oven door.
Watch carefully, checking often. Each live coal makes about 80
degrees Fahrenheit.
Maybe Mom/Dad can make up some: Camp Au Gratin Potatoes
1 can Corned Beef Or 2 Cans Tuna
-Or Similar Meat or no meat if you want.
2 Boxes Au Gratin Potatoes
6 c Water
1/2 c Dry Milk Powder
1/4 c Margarine Or Oil
1 med Pot For Heating Water
1 lg Pot For Potatoes
1 Stirring Spoon
Put the corned beef or tuna on the bottom of the pan. Open the
potato packages and layer the potatoes on top of the meat. Sprinkle
the cheese powder over the potatoes. Put the oil or margarine on the
potatoes. Heat the water to near boiling and add the dry milk.
Pour the hot liquid over the dry potatoes and put the pot on a moderate fire to
simmer gently for 40 minutes. This arrangement should result in a
slightly liquid mixture. Turn the pot from time to time if it is being
kept at the edge of the fire to assure it heat all the way around.
The oil or margarine is to keep the liquid from foaming. A smaller quantity
or none can be used, but more care to keep the liquid from boiling
over must be made. Good served with something that will sop up
the extra juices.
Or Campers Pizza Pie
8 oz pizza or spaghetti sauce
1 lb Wheat bread
1/4 lb Mozzarella cheese
Pepperoni or mushrooms, or anything you'd like to add
Using the pie iron, take two slices of bread, put 1 1/2 tablespoons
pizza sauce on one slice of bread. Top with Mozzarella cheese and
sliced pepperoni. Place other side of bread on top and butter outer
sides of bread. Put sandwich into pie iron and place in coals of fire.
Cook until bread is toasted.
I bet you have never heard of this be done: RICE--- cooked in a sleeping bag.
Take instant rice in 2 heavy duty zip
lock bags.
Add slightly less than normal amount of boiling water, (it
must be at a full boil), add some raisins, nuts or some cinnamon and sugar,
or whatever other flavoring you desire.
Zip it up tight and place in a sleeping
bag. The rice will cook in about 20 minutes.
Once the rice is done, you can
add cinnamon, nutmeg, raisins and nuts to make it a
dessert or snack; or you can use it as a side dish by adding butter, soy sauce
or canned gravy.
Here's something for all hikers, cyclists, etc. Honey Granola Bars
1 1/4 c Quick-cooking oats
2 T Honey
1/4 c Whole wheat flour
1/3 c Raisins
1/4 c wheat germ,Toasted
Or dried apricots,Chopped
1/4 c Honey -- Plus
Combine the oats, flour, wheat germ, and cinnamon, and stir to mix
well. Add the honey, and stir until the mixture is moist and crumbly.
Fold in the raisins or apricots.
Coat an 8" square pan with nonstick cooking spray. pat the mixture
into the pan, and bake at 300 for 18-20 minutes, or until lightly
browned. Cool to room temperature, cut into bars, and serve.
Well I think that will keep all of you busy for awhile, LOL
Have a great day, and if you can get a hug from someone and hug them too...
Be seeing you, Knobby
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Recipe Sunday...
one 12 ounce can of beer
8 ounces ginger ale
4 tablespoons sugar
1 pack Knox (tm) gelatin
2 1/2 ounces water
4 slices of lemon
How to make:
1. Combine the gelatin in the water.
2. Bring the beer, ginger ale, sugar and lemon to a boil.
3. Dissolve the gelatin mixture in the beer.
4. Pour 2/3rds of the mixture into four glasses. Make sure a piece of lemon goes in each glass.
5. Beat or whip the other 1/3rd of the mixture, and pour slowly into the glasses.
6. Set them in the refrigerator to gel.
For your adventurous people out there you can also - substitute red or white wine for the beer and change the ginger ale to 7Up (tm) or Sprite (tm).
Thanks to Keiko Kashiwabuchi, and Nick Miller for the recipe.
How about a quick & easy AMISH APPLE CRISP
Take 6 apples
Peel and slice, put in a 9x13 inch pan. Mix together: 3/4 c. sugar 1 tsp.
Baking powder 3/4 tsp. salt 1 egg Pour over apples. On top of this pour 1/3
cup cream and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes
or until apples are done.
For main course try this AMISH COUNTRY CASSEROLE
1 lb. beef chunks or ground beef
1 chopped onion
1 can tomato soup
1 lb. egg noodles
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 tbsp. olive oil
Saute chopped onion in olive oil. Add beef. Cook well. Add can of tomato
soup undiluted. Cook egg noodles according to directions on package.
Drain well. Add can of cream of mushroom soup, undiluted. Grease
casserole dish. Place 1/2 of beef mixture in bottom of casserole. Add 1/2 of
noodle mixture. Put rest of beef on noodles. Add remaining noodles. If
desired, sprinkle paprika lightly over top of noodles. Bake in 375 degree
oven for 20-25 minutes, or until bubbly.
For some you vegetarians out there try these recipes:
This one came from Barbi - Baked Spinach
1/2 cup butter
8 oz cream cheese
2 pkg frozen spinach
1 pkg Lipton onion soup mix
Melt butter in a large frying pan. Add 2 packages of spinach. Break up
and stir. Add cream cheese and onion soup mix. Stir well. Place in a
casserole and bake at 300°F for 45 minutes.
Then I have this one called - "Beaf" Stew
Remarkably similar in taste to real beef stew, but made with kidney beans
for that no-cholesterol, no-fat goodness.
1/2 cup dried beans (or one can pre-cooked beans)
2 or 3 cups water
Several cloves garlic, chopped coarsely
1 small yellow onion, diced
1 large potato, diced (do not pre-cook)
1 carrot, chopped coarsely
1 portabello mushroom, sliced in 1-inch pieces
1 or two teaspoons each: salt, pepper, and chili powder
extra flour or cornstarch (optional)
tamari (soy sauce), nutritional yeast flakes (optional)
Soak the beans overnight. Rinse and cook for half an hour.
Add 2 or 3 cups water and bring back to a boil. Add the vegetables and
bring back to a boil. Simmer, covered, until the potato and beans are thoroughly cooked.
To thicken: In a closed tupperware container, shake up two or three tablespoons
of flour with a half cup of water. Add to the stew and bring to a boil. Boil for
five minutes, stirring often to prevent sticking. Add a small amount of
tamari (soy sauce) to darken the stew's color, and a few teaspoons of nutritional
yeast flakes for flavor, if desired.
This stew takes about an hour to prepare -- less if made with pre-cooked, canned beans.
The longer it simmers, the better its flavor.
This stew refrigerates and freezes well. It should be brought to a boil in a saucepan
when re-heating.
As shown, recipe makes roughly six servings (with all those ingredients, it's hard to
make only a small amount). Tasty with crackers, rolls, or cheese.
This one will work for all occasions - Creamy Broccoli and Cauliflower Casserole
1 head cauliflower, cut into florets
1 bunch broccoli, cut into florets
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 can cream of celery soup
1. Steam broccoli and cauliflower over boiling water for ten minutes, or
until just tender. Drain thoroughly, if required, and place in a baking
2. Combine mayonnaise, cheese and soup and spoon over vegetables.
3. Bake uncovered at 350 F for 45 minutes or until nicely browned on
Serves 6
Have a Happy Sunday & I'll be seeing you, Knobby
Friday, April 16, 2010
Fridays at Pinnebog General Store
Joe says he keeps a empty tissue box in the garage that he put things to tie up garden things (tomatoes, roses, etc..), bits of string, twine, yard, whatever, also keep scissors in/by the box so you can cut the length you need.
Got a skin rash or eczema, Uncle Al says best treatment is chickweed. Make it into a 'tea' and use it as a wash...
Then we have Jeb, who came up with this one: He uses Elmer's wood glue for removing small hard to see wood slivers. Put the glue on, let it dry and pull off. The sliver comes out stuck to the glue.
'Course he also uses Elmers kids/white glue to heal burns too. Says he first runs the burn under cold water for 5 minutes than goops the glue on it and than a few minutes later puts ice in a zip lock bag and puts that on it. Who would have thought... He swears he never gets a blister. LOL
Some how or 'other conversation got starting about 'what would you use when there's no more Toilet Paper left in the world?' You know how some of them doom & gloom people are, or maybe I should check the store bathroom...
Anyhow, the suggestions were flying out left & right - a couple people said to use cloth wipes made out of t-shirts, course then Pete jump in and said he been using a smooth flat blade with a slight curve type stick like they do in Japan for years. That explains alot now about Pete. Than came the usual answers like dollar bills, pine cones, corn cobs, telephone books, leaves, moss, rocks, snow, etc.
Jeb was still in the store and he shouted out "I'll just drag my backside across the grass like a dog" I barked back 'not on my grass you won't'
Miss Susie said she would use her Water pic. After that the conversation just kinda moved to an end, as Miss Susie has been known to kiss a few of the fellas from time to time...
Linda stopped by and dropped off some of her 'beer jelly' which I will post the how to's to making it on Sunday...
New fella was looking for toothpaste, says it works real well polishing up his dull plastic lenses in his glasses... Seemed like they were awful shiny glasses he was wearing. He grapped some dental floss too, told me works great as a suture material for emergency surgery on farm citters.
Dave came in and bought some turpentine, told Jeb it was very good to use as a "cutting oil" when drilling steel. Course that got Jeb started on how he uses WD40 from time to time for shoulder and elbow pain. Just spray it on and rub it in and it helps the pain a lot, says Jeb...
Finally Deb the electrician came up with this suggestion: if you have nuts and bolts seized by rust and do not have WD-40 or lock-ezz at hand, pour Coca-Cola on the bolts and nuts, let sit a few minutes, repeat, then tap on wrench handle with a hammer to free the nut... I have always use Coca-Cola for cleaning my car battery post off also..
Well I guess that's about it for today, you take care.
Be seeing you soon, Knobby
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Copy -Cat Recipes
Today I will post a few copy-cat type ones from famous places... Some of these you might have to substitute 'close-enough' ingredients for what is listed...
#1 - A&W Chili Dogs
1 Sabrett brand 2 ounce beef frankfurter (7½" long)
1 regular hot dog roll
3 Tablespoons A&W Coney Island Sauce (see recipe below)
1 Tablespoon chopped white onion
1/2 Tablespoon Kraft shredded mild cheddar cheese (optional)
A&W Coney Island Chili Dog Sauce
1 pound ground chuck
1 six ounce can Hunts tomato paste
1 Cup water
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 Tablespoon prepared yellow mustard
1 Tablespoon dried, minced onion
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon celery seed
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin (heaping)
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
Making the Chili Dog Sauce:
1. In a 2 qt. saucepan, brown the ground chuck, breaking into very small
pieces. Salt and pepper lightly while cooking. Do not drain the fat.
2. Add the remaining ingredients. Simmer, uncovered, 30−45 minutes until it
thickens. Stir occasionally.
3. Allow to cool, cover, and refrigerate until "Dog−Time". You'll be
microwaving what you need later.
Cooking your A&W Chili Dog
1. Bring a 2 qt. saucepan of water to a rolling boil.
2. Remove the saucepan from the heat, and add the desired number of
frankfurters to the water. Cover and let sit about 10 minutes.
3. After the franks are done, microwave the chili dog sauce until steaming.
(Only microwave what you need, save the rest) Then microwave each hot dog
roll 10 seconds....just enough to warm.
4. Remove the cooked franks with tongs, and place on the microwaved hot dog
5. Add about 3 Tablespoons of your prepared A&W chili dog sauce, and the
chopped onion. Grated cheddar cheese is optional.
#2 - Benihana's Fried Rice
1 cup uncooked rice
5 tablespoons butter
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped carrots
2/3 cup chopped scallions
3 tablespoons Sesame seeds
5 Eggs
5 tablespoons soy sauce
Cook rice according to package directions. In a large skillet melt butter.
Add onions, carrots and scallions. Saute until carrots are translucent.
Set aside. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Place sesame seeds in a shallow pan.
Bake until golden brown (10 to 15 minutes), shaking pan occasionally for
even color. Lightly grease another skillet. Beat eggs. Pour into hot
skillet. Cook as you would scrambled eggs. Combine rice, vegetables,
sesame seeds and eggs. Add soy sauce. Stir. Salt and pepper to taste.
#3 - Cinnabon Rolls
Makes about 20 very large rolls.
1/2 cup warm water
2 packages dry yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
3 1/2 oz. pkg. vanilla pudding mix
1/2 cup margarine −− melted
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
6 cups flour
8 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups confectioner's sugar
1 tablespoon milk
To make frosting, mix all ingredients until smooth.
In a bowl combine water, yeast and sugar. Stir until dissolved. Set aside.
In large bowl, take pudding mix and prepare according to package directions.
Add margarine, eggs and salt. Mix well. Then add yeast mixture. Blend.
Gradually add flour; knead until smooth. Place in a greased bowl. Cover and let
rise until doubled. Punch down dough and let rise again.
Roll dough out on floured board to 34 x 21" size. Take 1 cup soft butter and
spread over surface. In bowl, mix 2 cups brown sugar and 4 teas. cinnamon. Sprinkle over
top. Roll up very tightly. With a knife, put a notch every 2". Cut with thread or knife.
Place on lightly greased cookie sheet 2" apart. Take hand and lightly press down
on each roll. Cover and let rise until double again. Bake at 350 15−20 minutes. Remove when they start to turn golden. DON'T OVER BAKE. Frost warm rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting
#4 - KFC Cole Slaw
1 head of cabbage, shredded
1 or 2 carrots, grated
1/4 onion, grated
1 cup Miracle Whip Salad Dressing
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
1/4 vinegar
Mix together the dressing and pour over cabbage mix. Let it sit
for a few hours before eating.
#5 - O'Charley's Baked Potato Soup
3 lbs. red potatoes
1/4 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup flour
2 quarts half−and−half
1 pound block Velveeta cheese, melted
White pepper, to taste
Garlic powder, to taste
1 tsp. hot pepper sauce
1/2 lb. bacon, fried crisply
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 cup fresh chives, chopped
1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
Dice unpeeled red potatoes into 1/2−inch cubes. Place in a large Dutch oven,
cover with water and bring to a boil. Let boil for 10 minutes or until
almost cooked.
In a separate large Dutch oven, combine melted margarine and
flour, mixing until smooth. Place over low heat and gradually add
half−and−half, stirring constantly. Continue to stir until smooth and liquid
begins to thicken. Add melted Velveeta. Stir well.
Drain potatoes and add to cream mixture. Stir in pepper, garlic powder and hot pepper sauce. Cover and cook over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Place soup into
individual serving bowls and top with crumbled bacon, shredded cheese,
chives and parsley.
#6 - Popeye's Red Beans and Rice
2 cups Uncle Ben's long grain rice (cooked)
1 − 16 oz. can Red chili beans in chili gravy
1 teas. Chili powder
1/4 teas. Cumin
Dash garlic salt
In saucepan, heat beans without letting them boil.
Stir in chili powder, cumin and garlic salt. When
piping hot, add warm rice and gently mix.
My Favorite! #7 - White Castle Hamburgers
Get a pound of 85% lean ground beef, and divide into 16 equal sized pieces.
Form each into a 2−1/2 inch square patties. Do this on waxed paper. Make
the patties very thin. Then "cookie−cut" five holes in each pattie.
(the pattern should resemble 5 on a dice) A CLEAN pen cap works nicely.
Freeze these 16 patties. (It'll make it easier later)
BUNS: the buns are also small. My grocer has dinner rolls the exact size
I need, but you might have to create your own using hot dog buns. One
hot−dog bun makes two White Castle buns. Simply cut in half (through top
and bottom) and then cut off the rounded sides to make them square.
COOKING: This is key. You need to finely chop a medium white onion.
On a pre−heated 375 degree electric griddle, lay about 1−1/2 Tablespoons
of onion for each patty you want to cook (generously spray with non−stick
spray like Pam first) The onions should only be "one deep" if you will.
Immediately place frozen patty directly on top of onions and press down.
Cook for about 4 minutes right on top of the onions. The holes in the beef
will allow the steam to cook the top side. (You don't flip)
Add a dash of salt and a pinch of pepper to each patty while they cook.
Remove and place on UNTOASTED buns.