Friday, October 5, 2012

The Pinnebog General Store Community Bulletin Board

Welcome back to our little store and Happy Fall to everyone!  Have you all been out picking apples, making them Halloween costumes, baking that pumpkin bread, gone on a hayride, cutting them saved T-shirts into loops for pot holder making this Winter, have you made a Pinecone bird feeder, make and eat edible eyeballs, etc. etc.

Well it's been a while since we took the time to see what's hanging on the Ol' Community Bulletin Board, so what you all say we catch up and take a look see...

First thing that hits the eye is a big piece of paper hanging there from Paul our local propane man,  reminding everyone that improving your home's insulation and sealing air leaks can save you up to $350 a year on fuel costs. I have a sneaky suspicion he did that 'cause he notice my hole in the roof that Teddy the raccoon uses to come and go as he pleases...

Hanging in the upper corner is a yellow post-em that says, to keep your can of varnish from hardening after you opened it, just drop clean, smooth, hard stones into it until varnish comes up to the rim, then put the lid back on...  Sounds reasonable

I see we got something up here from Miriam and Soloma on making easy and delicious tomato soup. Lets see, you take a quart of canned tomatoes, half a teaspoon of baking soda, two teaspoons of butter and a quart of whole milk. heat it slowly to a boil, remove from heat and enjoy a bowl full... Yum, that does sound good. Now where did I put them 'maters we canned.........

Jeb just came in and wanted to know if I carried sheets of bubble wrap or had any laying around from packages. Of course knowing Jeb and his ways, my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to ask what he needed bubble wrap for?  Seems his misses says the bathroom window shade makes the bathroom to dark when she pulls it down.

So Ol' Jeb starting pondering. He soon came up with the idea of putting some bubble wrap over the window.  It would give plenty of light, provide enough privacy for the misses and add a little insulation come winter...  Ol' Jeb always thinking... 

Well back to the Old grindstone and remember take some time to have fun, enjoy yourselves and Live - Simple!

I'll be seeing you...

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