Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday from the Ol' Pinnebog General Store

Pinnebog General Store

Well it has been a while since I have put anything up on the Ol' Knobby Acres blog so I figure well shoot lets give it another go round and see what type of beans grow...

Been a very busy, busy week around the ol' general store this week being that new stock came in and of course the usual friends & neighbors stopping by for this or that and telling a tip or two...

Like early in week when Miriam and Soloma were just a chit chatting about kitchen stuff and what not. Like Miriam was saying how she rinses out her empty mustard jar with water and adds a small amount of it to her chili soup. or when fixing up your own flower pot/hanging baskets put a disposable diaper in the bottom to hold moisture longer. Soloma was telling how she carrys her pies to the bake sale by putting them in a 5 gallon bucket stacked with flat plates in betwix them.

Delberts kids came in and was looking for model paint, seems they were making canisters out of gallon glass jars for their mom so she could store rice, popcorn and stuff and they wanted to paint the name of the ingredients on them jars. Smart kids!

Jeb came by not feeling to good and kinda hunched over. he was looking for some Ex-Lax. Course that got all the guys hooping and hollering about everything from WD-40 to big pots of beans to even a formula for cleaning toilets, using 1/4 part bleach and 3/4 parts water, mixed in a spray bottle and applied liberally..

Well got to keep it short this week, got stock to put away and get my football picks in, but before I go someone came in and posted this poem on the community board and I thought I would share it with you all:

I thank Thee, Lord that my feet are sore, and my knees and back hurt even more.
I thank Thee too for the scratches and stings that a day in the summer sometimes brings.

I thank Thee, Lord that my eyes are red and they throb in time with my aching head. That my muscles moan and protest in pain from the weary hours of toil and strain.

Beneath my nails there is garden soil and my hands bear the marks of a gardener's toil. For the fields are ripe and the harvest great and the gathering in of it just can't wait.

So I thank Thee, Lord for it means I'm strong and can work in the garden the whole day long.
Tonight I'm sore and exhausted too, but oh, I'm among the privileged few.
Oh almost forgot, seeing that some apples are falling off the trees already I figured it be a good time to put this crock-pot recipe up that came from Eloise Smothers using some of them their apples...

* 2 cups sugar
* 1 cup vegetable oil
* 2 eggs
* 2 teaspoons vanilla
* 2 cups flour
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 1 teaspoon nutmeg
* 2 cups unpeeled apples, finely chopped
* 1 cup chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans)

Beat sugar, oil, eggs, and vanilla. Add apples with dry ingredients and
mix well. Spray a two pound coffee can with cooking spray or grease and
flour it well. Pour batter into can, filling no more than 2/3 full.
Place can in Crock Pot. Do not add water. Cover but leave cover ajar so
steam can escape. Cook on high 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
Don't peek before the last hour of baking. Cake is done when top is set. Let
stand in can a few minutes before tipping pudding out on a plate.
Serve half-rounds plain, with whipped topping, or with ice cream & hot fudge sauce

Take care and I'll be seeing you, Knobby

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